
The time zone is IST for the given schedule. Please convert into your time zone here.
June 14, 3:30PM

Introduction to prototyping

Owey Teodosio

June 15, 4:30PM

Brainstorm an Idea

Daria Malevka

June 15, 10:30 PM

Student startup story

Noami Porter

June 16, 3:30PM

Python Workshop: imagiLabs

Andrea and Jana

June 16, 5:30 PM

Google Project and woman in tech


June 16, 9:00 PM

Student Startup Story: NPO

Sofia Penttila and Claire Yang

June 16, 10:00 PM

Imposter Syndrome

Priyanka Jhooty

June 17, 8:30 PM

How to Pitch

Emily Han